Protecting Ideas, Preserving Integrity

Trusted globally, our plagiarism detection tool ensures your work remains uniquely yours, backed by cutting-edge technology.


Are you worried about Plagiarism Detection and its accuracy?

If plagiarism is what you’re worried about, worry no more because your concerns are now resolved. Skyline’s plagiarism checker guarantees originality by identifying paraphrased content, image-based plagiarism, character substitutions, and text in over 100 languages

Source Identification

Our reports not only reveal the overall percentage but also specify the sources contributing to the match. Here’s how to navigate this information:

Source List
Source List

Find a comprehensive list of the external texts that match your content.


Click on hyperlinks associated with each source to directly access the origin. This aids in a quick review of the external material. 

Highlighted areas
Highlighted areas

The areas highlighted with red indicate directly plagiarized text, pink signifies minor alterations, orange denotes paraphrased text, and white represents unique content.

Ready to Excel in Your Academic Journey?

Unlock the Power of Originality with Skyline Academic. Take the first step towards academic excellence today!

Price Per Document

Flip Box Feature

AI + Plagiarism Detection
Detect AI and Plagiarism simultaneously


Small Document
  • Detection up to 3500 words
  • Paraphrasing detection
  • Cross-language detection

*Prices are per check, not a subscription

AI + Plagiarism Detection


Small Document
  • Detection up to 3500 words
  • Multiple forms of paraphrasing detection
  • Detection of source code plagiarism
  • Cross-language detection
  • Detection across multiple languages
  • Detection of AI models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, with over 99% accuracy

AI + Plagiarism Detection
Detect AI and Plagiarism simultaneously


Medium Document
  • Detection 3501-15000 words
  • Paraphrasing detection
  • Cross-language detection

*Prices are per check, not a subscription

AI + Plagiarism Detection


Medium Document
  • Detection 3501-15000 words
  • Multiple forms of paraphrasing detection
  • Detection of source code plagiarism
  • Cross-language detection
  • Detection across multiple languages
  • Detection of AI models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, with over 99% accuracy

AI + Plagiarism Detection
Detect AI and Plagiarism simultaneously


Large Document
  • Detection 15000+ words
  • Paraphrasing detection
  • Cross-language detection

*Prices are per check, not a subscription

AI + Plagiarism Detection


Large Document
  • Detection 15000+ words
  • Multiple forms of paraphrasing detection
  • Detection of source code plagiarism
  • Cross-language detection
  • Detection across multiple languages
  • Detection of AI models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, with over 99% accuracy

Key Features

Holistic Comparison, In-Depth Results

Plagiarism detection with a 99% accuracy rate by comparing your work with a vast array of sources including 16,000+ open-access journals, 60 trillion websites and 1M+ internal documents

Multilingual Plagiarism Check

With our tool, you can check for copied content in over 30 languages. Scan your English document and find matches in French, Chinese, or German.

Customized Report

Our easy-to-use interface lets you customize your plagiarism scan report just the way you want. Whether you need to check for cross-language plagiarism or exclude certain sources, it’s all up to you!

Instant Plagiarism Results

Our tool delivers plagiarism results in moments, ensuring accuracy and originality without the wait

Support 100+ Languages

Our system can find plagiarized text in over 100 human languages, including German, Russian, Spanish, English, and more.

Privacy Pledge

Your scanned content is kept safe and encrypted. It is not accessible to anyone else or shared with any organization to maintain 100% confidentiality.

Plagiarism Detector is unbeatable with Our Perfect Pairings

Each of our tools has its unique strengths. However, when integrated with plagiarism detection, they form an unbeatable combination.

Advance Proofreading and Editing

Our proofreading and editing services are intended to give you the confidence
to submit your work knowing it’s flawless and well-organized.

Assignment Feedback

We offer a second pair of eyes to help you reduce plagiarism scores and ensure academic integrity, leading to success and security in your academic pursuits.